The real reason the Republicans lost

I'm starting to realize that the real reason the Republicans lost this election is their constant push to 'dumb down' the government finally bottomed out. The American people don't really worry about hiring your buddies and people that helped in your campaign until something really goes wrong. Then they look around and realize - 'You know, I don't want that guy who is in the back of my house fixing my toilet to actually be in charge of making important financial decisions that really impact my life and the direction of this country. I think I would prefer a super smart Harvard educated guy for that.'

Pres. Bush's decline really kicked into gear when Katrina happened and we all realized that this dumb ass flunky Brownie had zero qualifications to deal with any significant natural disaster. The right wings inability to see this baffles me. The VP pick fits perfectly into this dumbing down mode. After all the spin what the Couric interview really showed America was that this person could not casually talk about issues of significance. Forget talking points - which I hate with a passion - I need someone leading this country to be thinking and interested in important world issues. If she had ever had any deep thoughts about those interview questions she might not have given an answer that fit in her campaigns talking points (which would have earned her respect in my book) but she could have at least given a cohesive answer that made sense. Just like most of my friends that read and seek out information and give thoughts to things. We live in an incredibly complex world and any solutions that we come up with to address our problems will have difficult, technical, and not necessarily obvious consequences. You need deep thinking people to solve difficult and critical problems.

We as an American people seem to enjoy making fun of those educated at elite schools (I know I certainly do - who has not been to a party and had a Harvard grad pull out his library card to prove he went there) but when there are real import issues to solve we all recognize the need to send our best and brightest up there to bail us out. Certainly not a plumber and not a former mayor of a town where all the important responsibilities are handled at the county level.


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