A big thumbs up for Nexenta Storage
OK I'm stuck at work for a few more minutes waiting for a job to finish so I'll throw out a bit of info regarding my newly built Nexenta storage platform. Based in part from sticker shock looking at Dell or HP low end storage devices as well as on the advice from Mike from over at IPHouse.net, I bought some Super Micro parts and built the storage cluster myself. I started with a 836E2-R800B 3U chassis just for housing the disks. I wonder if there is some kind of cheat sheet for Super Micro products because it seems confusing as hell. I will clue you in that the E2 on the end signifies dual input/output SAS connections. The SAS connections plug into a Super Micro 6016T-NTRF4+ 1U Server. I'm sad to say that I have absolutely no idea what all those letters signify. I just picked the one Mike picked (although I've since ordered another server with a different config so I can start to compare). I stuck 2 Intel E5620 processors in it, 12GB of DDR3 RAM and a coupl