
Showing posts from December, 2020

If the future is so bright, I can't understand why more people are not wearing shades

Found via a post discussing the current state of energy sources.  Carbon emissions, price per kilowatt and safety.  It is so obvious that having the government put their fingers on the scales to support renewable energy will be a gigantic win for the planet.  Honestly a win for everyone except the large corporations that earn their dollars pulling fossil fuels out of the ground.  They are and should be marked as dinosaurs, just like the stuff they are pulling out of the ground. Why did renewables become so cheap so fast? And what can we do to use this global opportunity for green growth?

There is nothing new under the sun

 Pretty sure my tombstone will read, " Here lies a man who was happy to let those around him do the hard work " From the Daring Fireball again ( ) comes a link to a Harper's article from 1964 that reads like it could have been written last month.  I've had a sense throughout this ordeal (Trump presidency, 2020, pandemic - take your pick) when it seems like we are in totally new ground of craziness that it must have felt this way before.  Not many facts to base that feeling on, just bits and pieces.  Tweets about how the country reacted to the Spanish Flu in regards to race relations, that sort of thing.  History is trending upwards, I do believe that to be true, I just have to keep the faith.  Anyway, thanks to Gruber for posting this link, it makes me think we might be fine after all. The Paranoid Style in American Politics