
Showing posts from 2021

Corporate Tax Receipts as a Pct of GDP

From the Atlantic - Research Proves It: There’s No Such Thing as Noblesse Oblige

Lots of thought provoking stuff in there.   The most interesting part of the experiment, Piff said, came after, when players were asked to talk about what they had done to affect the game’s outcome. The obvious answer was that the fix was in and the rich player got lucky. But the rich players were almost twice as likely as the poor ones to talk about game strategy—how they’d earned their win. And so it goes in the world.

Excessive Deaths Through the Covid-19 Pandemic

 Linking to an excellent post at that I appreciate for the ability to clearly tell a story through graphs and data.  As I spend more of my time thinking about business intelligence and how to create compelling visuals to convey relevant data when I see it done right it jumps off the page.  Not to lose sight of what a terrible tragedy these graphs reveal, but if you want to understand the true impact of this pandemic it's a reasonable place to start.  Great work.  

Democracy is a Threat to White Supremacy

 In the wake of the storming of the capital on January 6th 2021 this post makes a lot of sense.  While the unique narcissism of President Trump somewhat explains his refusal to acknowledge the results of the election, it is not lost on my that there is a strong undercurrent of black and brown votes don't/shouldn't matter.  When you consider the current day Republican party is relentlessly trying to make it harder to vote for certain everyday citizens it's clear who they are targeting.  Lot's to unpack for me, but anyway here is a link to a Ford Foundation post that resonated with me. credit to Kottke for the discovery.   Democracy is a Threat to White Supremacy